Inez, filter coffee from Mexico

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Inez - filter coffee from Mexico

This coffee is precision work: it is maximally fruity without drifting into pathos. Inez Vazquez runs the Beneficio San Pedro in the community of Aldama in the highlands of Chiapas and prepares this coffee as natural. The coffee is almost perfumey, complex, tastes of raspberries, sweet pastries and has a syrupy texture. We are fans of Inez and Cafeología's work connecting all the dots on the coffee chain.

Inez - coffee information

Roasted for: all common filter methods such as: hand filter, AeroPress, French Press and Cold Brew

Origin: Aldama, Chiapas, Mexico

Producers: 15 small producers around Aldama, together with Cafeólogia

Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra

Post-harvest process: 96 hours of fermentation in the cherry, then dried as natural

Brewing recommendation Inez from David: Hario V60

Amount of coffee 17 grams
Total amount of water

250 grams

Grinding degree 4.4.0
Age of roasting 10 days
Water temperature

86 degrees


50 grams (30 seconds)

Brewing time



5 infusions (including blooming) up to 50g, up to 100g, up to 150g, up to 200g, up to 250g

David used the following equipment to develop the recipe:

Water: total hardness 3 °dH, alkalinity 1.5 °dH (more about coffee water )
Mill: Kinu M47 Classic
Dripper: Hario V60 glass filter 02
Filter paper: Hario V60 paper

Tell me more about Inez's filter coffee

“The success of this project is that it exists at all,” says Jésus Salazar, founder of Cafeólogia in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico. For six years, Jésus has been working with coffee producers from the Tzotzil Maya, establishing a coffee processing station with them and creating bridges between two cultures, languages ​​and, as he says, “universes. Here we combine our knowledge and talents into a larger whole.” Today Inez Vazquez runs this charity. She learned to roast and cup at Cafeología in the city (San Cristóbal) and trained to become a barista. Now she runs Beneficio and produces world-class naturals.

Why does the coffee taste good? the way it tastes?

We rarely drink coffees with such crystal-clear precision. The coffee is maximally fruity without tipping over into over-fruity. The coffee cherries were very ripe. Producers brought them to the Beneficio, where Inez divided the cherries again into mini lots. The ultra-precise matching of colors allowed her to then put the exact same ripeness levels into specific fermentation tanks, ferment the cherries there for 96 hours and then dry them in small batches on drying beds. Anyone who works so precisely knows exactly what she is doing. This coffee is pure craftsmanship - we are fans of Cafeología's work.

How do we roast this coffee?

We roast the coffee as a 12.5kg batch on our 30kg Giesen roaster. We roast the coffee for 9 minutes with a development time of 30 seconds. The green coffee is very well sorted and reacts quickly to the heat. Naturals, and this coffee in particular, release a lot of heat before the first crack and almost finish roasting themselves. So we slow down the roasting massively after 7 minutes before we reduce the gas completely at 8 minutes so that the coffee slowly approaches the final temperature, which is almost two degrees below the reference for washed coffees. Special coffees require special roasting methods.

Import to Beanconqueror

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Fruchtiger Frühling

Ich schmecke Pfirsich und grünen Apfel.
Fakt ist man sollte relativ kalt brühen (85-90°C) um nicht zu überextrahieren.
Experimentiere aktuell mit der Hybridmethode (Hario Switch).

20g in, 20clicks Comandante, 300g out

0:00 - 0:30 - 60g (88°C, Ventil offen)
0:30 - 1:00 - 60g (88°C, Ventil offen)
1:00 - 180g (70°C, Ventil geschlossen)
1:45 Ventil öffnen, Drawdown 2:30 - 2:45.
Viel Spass beim ausprobieren. Der Aufwand lohnt sich!

Hey Heiko,
danke für die super tolle Bewertung inklusive Rezeptvorschlag. Toll, dass du uns das teilst.

Weltklasse Kaffee

Ich arbeite selbst aks Röstmeister in einer kleinen Rösterei und bin von dem Inez absolut begeistert. wunderbare Frucht, dafür aber eine sehr balancierte, gut eingebettete Säure. 10 von 10 Punkten für die cleane und extrem leckere Tasse Kaffee.

Hi Michel,

welch ein tolles Lob von dir. Lass dir den Inez weiterhin schmecken. Danke für die 10 Punkte.


Christoph H.
Sehr schöner, aromatischer Frühstückskaffee

Funktioniert bei mir gut mit der Aeropress und: Als Americano!

Hallo Christoph,
danke für das positive Feedback und deine Verwendungsart.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Fruchtiger Frühling

Ich schmecke Pfirsich und grünen Apfel.
Fakt ist man sollte relativ kalt brühen (85-90°C) um nicht zu überextrahieren.
Experimentiere aktuell mit der Hybridmethode (Hario Switch).

20g in, 20clicks Comandante, 300g out

0:00 - 0:30 - 60g (88°C, Ventil offen)
0:30 - 1:00 - 60g (88°C, Ventil offen)
1:00 - 180g (70°C, Ventil geschlossen)
1:45 Ventil öffnen, Drawdown 2:30 - 2:45.
Viel Spass beim ausprobieren. Der Aufwand lohnt sich!

Hey Heiko,
danke für die super tolle Bewertung inklusive Rezeptvorschlag. Toll, dass du uns das teilst.

Weltklasse Kaffee

Ich arbeite selbst aks Röstmeister in einer kleinen Rösterei und bin von dem Inez absolut begeistert. wunderbare Frucht, dafür aber eine sehr balancierte, gut eingebettete Säure. 10 von 10 Punkten für die cleane und extrem leckere Tasse Kaffee.

Hi Michel,

welch ein tolles Lob von dir. Lass dir den Inez weiterhin schmecken. Danke für die 10 Punkte.


Christoph H.
Sehr schöner, aromatischer Frühstückskaffee

Funktioniert bei mir gut mit der Aeropress und: Als Americano!

Hallo Christoph,
danke für das positive Feedback und deine Verwendungsart.