Adan Chocan, espresso
Adán Chocan – espresso from Peru
This coffee is unfortunately sold out, but we plan to have it back with the next harvest .
Fruity, fresh, chocolatey and all at the same time. This natural espresso from Peru combines pretty much everything we like in coffee. We're starting our Peruvian spring with this coffee - we bought a total of four coffees this year that we want to share with you. Mr. Chocan is the first.
Adan Chocan - Coffee Information
Roasted for: Espresso and cappuccino and all other milk drinks
Origin: Finca El Roble, Chirinos, Peru
Producers: Adán Chocan
Varieties: mixed
Post-harvest process: Natural, dry processed
All our coffees are sold as whole beans.
Tell me more about Mr. Chocan's Espresso
Adán Chocan and his family run the Finca el Roble in the north of Jaén, the coffee capital of northern Peru. The finca is very small at 2.5 hectares - in order to be able to at least partially live off the small yield of coffee production, the Chocans focus on high quality. Falcon Specialty Importers has recognized this and works directly with small producers in the Jaén region, supervises the processes and creates new market access.
Why does the coffee taste the way it tastes?
Dry-processed coffees from the Jaén region were rare until now, but they are slowly becoming more common. The weather patterns are changing, it is getting drier and the sun more intense. This change allows the coffee to be dried in the cherry - Adán Chocan has made a virtue out of necessity. At 1400 m above sea level, the coffee grows slowly, which brings out the elegant acidity. Drying in the cherry for 20 days gives the coffee the fruity notes of papaya and plum, as well as the heavy chocolate notes that we know from long drying times.
How do we roast this coffee?
We roast the coffee as a 20kg batch on our 30kg Giesen roaster. We roast the coffee for 11:30 minutes with a development time of 1:18 minutes, or 11.3%. We roast naturals differently than washed coffees because they release more and more energy in the last third of the roasting process. We also reduce the gas continuously, but keep it at 15% during the development time, otherwise the coffee would collapse. The short development time helps the coffee retain its delicate acidity and fine fruity aromas.
brewing recipe
We brew the coffee in a ratio of 1:2.5 (example: 19g of dosed coffee, 48g of brewed coffee in the cup) in a time of 30 to 32 seconds. A denser brewing ratio (eg 1:2.3) increases the texture and aroma - which we find particularly great in combination with milk.